petek, 20. maj 2011

brendan fraser bald

brendan fraser bald. infamously shaved her head
  • infamously shaved her head

  • vnle
    Jan 30, 10:13 PM
    To interrupt on the burger talk ... my dinner :p

    brendan fraser bald. medical cure and ald,
  • medical cure and ald,

  • ayeying
    Oct 21, 11:02 AM
    yeah i guess. just don't try and use it in your lap though

    It's rather cool to touch when it's not charging. Charging, then I'll probably burn my finger if I touch the "ESC/F1/F2" area.

    brendan fraser bald. whose roots and ald spot
  • whose roots and ald spot

  • rmhop81
    Apr 26, 01:58 PM
    Wow...are you really that narrowminded?

    I'm not for one minute, nor did I ever say that Amazons cloud is invincible. The point I was making was that if Apple plan on using 1 datacenter, they will not only make the service unusable outside the US, but also make it pretty unreliable. The Amazon outage was the first since 2008 and was caused by a network glitch. Not exactly your run of the mill outage.

    Either way, Amazons cloud will outperform Apple's, period end of story. You'd have to be a pretty delusional fanboy to think that Apple would have the upper hand in this market. :rolleyes:

    LOL you didn't even know about the outage until i posted a link. now it was just some tiny network glitch that wasn't the run of the mill ;)

    did i ever say apple's was gonna be the biggest and the baddest? the funny thing is....i use amazon vod all the time on my naw, i'm not really an apple fanboy but thanks for assuming.

    brendan fraser bald. We get it Tim, you#39;re ald.
  • We get it Tim, you#39;re ald.

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Apr 28, 08:53 PM



    WTF ... who uses cases? And who cares for cases?

    If I look at people with their iphones, i see like less than 5% using anything on their phones. And all of them use the Apple bumper on some iphone 4. I've seen hundreds of iphones in the wild, but I still have to see one non-bumper case in the wild.

    Grow up guys ...

    P.S.: WTF does one use a case for? To make the phone THICKER? UGLIER?
    In Boston, mostly everyone I know with an iPhone, including myself, uses a case. It's more surprising when you see someone NOT using a case.

    I use a case so it doesn't get as damaged in my pocket, and in the event you drop the device, there may be some saving grace that it doesn't shatter the glass.


    brendan fraser bald. Brendan Fraser
  • Brendan Fraser

  • fabianjj
    Apr 24, 06:11 AM
    No, the European iPhone is the same hardware as the AT&T iPhone. It will handle voice and pokey EDGE/GPRS data on the T-Mobile USA network, but not 3G data because they use the AWS band for that.

    Whether you believe that there is carrier exclusivity is irrelevant. Apple probably tests on many different carriers around the world.

    The fact of the matter is Apple doesn't announce the terms of their contracts with mobile operators, so your so-called "exclusivity" could have ended at midnight yesterday.

    I think gkarris point was that T-Mobile operates in other countries as well, where they have the iPhone and where they do use 3G frequencies that the regular iPhone supports.

    brendan fraser bald. Hair Apparent: Is ald sexy?
  • Hair Apparent: Is ald sexy?

  • maclaptop
    Apr 21, 11:47 PM
    Actually, the irony is that the people who are looking at you and judging you based on your phone are the snobs.

    Apple certainly doesn't come across as fools for protecting their designs. And if you know a little bit about how this works, you'd know that by not protecting it, they forfeit the right to protect it in the future if the same thing happens. Then again, that's for corporate lawyers to handle, it's not a marketing decision. And...being a public company, they have an obligation to their shareholders to not allow these kind of infringements. But yeah, I can see how this is easily percieved as bullying, or stupid, by people who can't see the forest through the trees such as yourself.

    Attempted insults show your insecurity.

    You're assumptions prove it.

    Try your tactics on someone else :)


    brendan fraser bald. Joel Mchale Going Bald
  • Joel Mchale Going Bald

  • rmhop81
    Apr 26, 02:09 PM

    My original point is though that, given that you ALREADY have all of your music (and probably videos) stores on your local hard drive of your computer, and have your computer connected to the internet, why the heck would you need APPLE to stream your music from the internet, when you can just buy StreamToMe or Audio Galaxy or 20 other apps that can do this for a $5 TOTAL incremental cost from what you already have. You can stream all of your music, including your already set up playlists, AND your video right from your figgin' hard drive. Why the heck do you need to pay APPLE anything?

    The only benefit I can see it to not eat into your HOME data cap limits, which are usually pretty high anyway (I've NEVER had an issue, and I stream all of the time). But you'd have to upload your non-iTunes purchased songs to their servers anyway, which would offset that somewhat.

    not everyone wants a dedicated home server that they load everything on and let it run 24 hours a day. We just have a MBA.... i'm not gonna load all my music on there and leave it plugged in 24 hours a day. Just not gonna happen.

    brendan fraser bald. singer having a ald head
  • singer having a ald head

  • GeekLawyer
    Apr 21, 10:42 PM
    Desperate move is desperate.


    brendan fraser bald. rendan fraser fehr
  • rendan fraser fehr

  • andys53
    Apr 22, 10:38 AM
    Have you used a 4.3" phone. They don't seem that much physically bigger but the screen size is awesome! Apple keeps getting squeezed with adding new technology because of the size limitations of the phone. Giving us a slightly bigger size with the advantage of a bigger screen size AND more components seems like an excellent tradeoff.

    Yeah - I know if will never happen because SJ is compulsive obsessive with never making things bigger.


    The current size is more than adequate for me, and I use reading glasses! The screen could possibly be increased I suppose if the black areas were somehow shrunk, but unless your hands are like shovels the phones already big enough.

    brendan fraser bald. scout rendan
  • scout rendan

  • decimortis
    Mar 31, 10:53 AM
    Apple unveils iPad 3, complete with iOS Lion. ;)

    Storms coming...



    brendan fraser bald. rendan fraser the scout
  • rendan fraser the scout

  • mrial
    Apr 14, 09:34 AM
    So guys, I'm already queuing up for my ix.Mac.MarketingName. I think I'm the first! Tent and camping gear ready.

    Heard Best Buy were holding some back because quota already met.

    brendan fraser bald. MEL GIBSON TURNS INTO A BALD

  • AlligatorBloodz
    Apr 21, 11:03 PM
    Samsung spends all the money they make from Apple suing them.


    brendan fraser bald. Hair raising: Brendan Fraser#39;s
  • Hair raising: Brendan Fraser#39;s

  • NoExpectations
    Apr 28, 04:18 PM
    Case Makers must be going crazy.

    First AT&T iPhone 4.
    Next Verizon iPhone 4 (buttons moved)
    Now AT&T White iPhone 4 and Verizon White iPhone 4 (thicker models).

    Wonder if the Apple bumpers fit?

    brendan fraser bald. rendan fraser filmography
  • rendan fraser filmography

  • OhEsTen
    Dec 1, 02:20 PM
    You don't have a sign behind you that says "Hail Adware," do you? ;) :D

    Perhaps he was offering to round-up fellow Mac-users to toil in Adware "sugar-mines"... lol :D


    brendan fraser bald. rendan fraser filmography
  • rendan fraser filmography

  • DeathChill
    Apr 24, 11:26 AM
    I doubt it. If you don't have a US Centric view and look elsewhere, you'll see Android is gaining and passing the iPhone even in markets where both platforms are available on the same carriers. Here, Rogers sells a metric ton of Android devices, Bell pushes them out and Telus too. I see tons of Nexus One and HTC Desires around, tons of Motorola Milestones and even more Captivates.

    Yet all these people had a choice of getting an iPhone too. They opted for Android.

    So let's not get ahead of ourselves with all the Apple cheerleading and think a move to a new set of frequencies would mean world domination for Apple. It doesn't. But it does open up the option of the iPhone on carriers that support these, which is good for consumers (more carriers = more competition for plans).

    Just curious if you have any numbers to back that up? I honestly have no idea how Android fares up here. It'd be nice if they released numbers (have they?).

    brendan fraser bald. rendan fraser filmography
  • rendan fraser filmography

  • Collected
    Apr 22, 05:41 PM
    There is no way it could be that thin.

    I'm sure people said the same before the air came out.


    brendan fraser bald. rendan fraser clap gif
  • rendan fraser clap gif

  • 840quadra
    Dec 3, 03:56 PM
    So, we are going to see even more of this message board trolling and FUD. There are many obvious 'newbie' troll posts. But, I am also seeing some 'moles' trolling too. Some of them showed up many months ago and are now regulars. What they are doing is providing newbie support.

    The newbie comes on with a troll post, and bam, he gets a regular, or two to give legitimacy to the disinformation. The thread is off and running. Another tactic I notice is the thread subject troll. The subject line is written to be very negative, but then the first post is very much toned down, sometimes even apologetic, "Sorry for venting, I know this is rare...", that type of stuff. The damage is done and no one is aware it was a disinformation attack.

    The stakes are high and MS has been found guilty in court of doing the things I am describing. This is not the ranting of a paranoid. I happen to know a considerable amount about disinformation and the tactics involved. With a little work, you can see the same things. Look at the post history for those making anti-Apple posts. The critical eye can discern the inconsistencies in what they write.

    I can understand the feelings behind what you are saying, and do appreciate that point of view. I however however, am not sure that I can really see anyone doing hopeless FUD spreading on this particular thread. You seem to be (like a few others) concerned that those of us who have security concerns, have given up on Apple, and want to work with these 3rd party groups to provide us with security solutions. I don't see many people on this thread with that attitude, I see concerned users like myself, that want to see that Apple heads up security themselves.

    To me the poll and question "After the Month of Kernel Bugs, are you concerned about Mac OS X security?" was interpreted by me as ..

    Yes I am concerned about Mac OS X security. Meaning, I am concerned about my operating system security in general.

    For whatever reason, I believe that anyone that voted Yes, is being interpreted by some people as it meaning "Yes I am concerned about Mac OS X security, as it is a hopelessly unsecured operating system, god save us, the world is going to end!".

    Perhaps a few of the people who said yes may think that, but don't assume all of us are like that! Please feel free to look into my post history, not that it is any of your business anyway. You will find that I am a true Apple and Mac fan through and through!

    brendan fraser bald. Bruce Willis is ald and proud
  • Bruce Willis is ald and proud

  • Canubis
    Jun 6, 04:07 PM
    From email:

    Please note that the iTunes Store Terms of Sale state that all sales are final, so this is a one-time exception.

    The best way to avoid unintentional purchases is to use the Shopping Cart. That way, you can consolidate and review your selections carefully and buy them when you're ready. Here's how to use the Shopping Cart:

    Did they really tell you to use the Shopping Cart feature in iTunes? Because since iTunes 9 this feature is gone now! The documentation you/Apple quoted is depricated unless your still using a pre iTunes 9 version.

    brendan fraser bald. Brendan fraser fehr. rendan
  • Brendan fraser fehr. rendan

  • playaj82
    Jul 27, 01:18 PM
    Trademarks must be able to be shown to be in use to be defensible. You cannot simply trademark any name or phrase you want. You have to demonstrate the current or intended future use of the name or phrase.

    With regards to "doPod", Apple doesn't need to trademark that, as they could argue that the name of a device that was called a doPod was too similar to their, already trademarked, device called "iPod".

    You can file an anticipatory mark. The key is intent to use. For instance, I've developed a product and want to start marketing it, i.e. Zune. I file my mark with the PTO before the product has ever actually entered the stream of commerce. Now getting "real" protection from infringers would require you have used it in commerce rather than intended to use it in commerce. But the PTO doesn't handle infringement, they primarily handle validity.

    If I don't use it, oh well, the next person who comes along and uses the mark with their product gets to argue that I never used it in commerce. My point is that the little guy who comes along and uses the mark is better off coming up with something else rather than getting into any legal dispute with a company the size of Apple.

    May 4, 09:32 AM
    I'll be quite disappointed and most likely skip my first generation of iPhone if they don't integrate 4g antennas. If they're going to delay release (from their normal schedule) we would at least hope to see competitive hardware features with the android phones that come out on a seemingly daily basis.
    See you next year!


    Apr 14, 06:21 AM
    I have a feeling that whatever problems they had with the white color was solved a long time ago. I'm sure they've been ready to produce white iPhones fr several months and are waiting till the 1 year anniversary time fram to start shipping the white iPhone to boost sales seeing as the iPhone 5 was pushed back to September.
    I have a feeling that if the problems were fixed a long time ago, they'd be selling the phone a long time ago. Have you seen all these comments about people waiting to buy white iPhones? Of which i was one.

    Oct 23, 03:53 PM
    This is actually an incorrect report that Microsoft has tried to correct, but it keeps getting reported.

    I know we jump all over MS for spreading FUD... We shouldn't do the same.

    Jan 31, 04:37 PM
    Say hello to Odin...

    What a cutie! :)

    Sep 30, 07:50 PM
    I guarantee you that Sprint, Tmobile, Verizon, and all of AT&T's other competitors are going to jump on this and make sure it is in every television commercial, print ad, radio commercial, and every other form of possible advertisement. "Do you want to have 30% of all of your calls dropped?..."

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