sobota, 21. maj 2011

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  • SciFrog
    Nov 23, 02:58 PM
    I also just joined. Let see what my '08 Octo 2.8 MP can contribute to our score/rankings:D

    Make sure that once you have a passkey and 10 SMP untis folded you run bigadv units.

    kate winslet mildred pierce premier. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • astewart
    Nov 3, 01:33 PM
    I can't wait to compare Parallels and WMWare Fusion.

    I'm still waiting for an E-mail back from them too.

    kate winslet mildred pierce premier. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • gnasher729
    Apr 25, 07:50 AM
    I would beat the hell out of any dude that was in the same bathroom as my daughter.

    To give you an idea how mentally backwards this attitude is: In what is probably considered one of the most backward countries in the world, in Iran, the religious leaders are completely Ok with a transgender operation. To them, a man is a man, a woman is a woman, and a man or woman who has the bad luck to be born in the wrong kind of body should get help to get the problem fixed.

    kate winslet mildred pierce premier. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • ForzaJuve
    Apr 22, 04:22 PM
    They will probably name it the iPhone Razor. Wait, where have I heard that before?


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  • supremedesigner
    Jul 28, 07:46 AM
    I hate the name Zune.<snip>

    That word remind me of: dune or even worse - DOOM! :D

    kate winslet mildred pierce premier. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • FireStar
    Nov 6, 05:36 PM
    I believe those are American Eagle flannels. I have a few and they are really nice. Seeing those makes me want to pick up a new one. :p
    I found 'em. I like them. I want to pick some up too....


    kate winslet mildred pierce premier. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • b_scott
    Apr 15, 11:36 AM
    I did that but it still does not work. I rebooted my macbook, installed the latest security updates, wiped my 3GS, tried restoring and then updating to 4.3.2 - same thing just happened.

    kate winslet mildred pierce premier. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • archer75
    Apr 26, 01:44 PM
    Love the 27". I'd love a 30" more. And I really like the glossy screen.


    kate winslet mildred pierce premier. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • mdriftmeyer
    Apr 22, 04:26 PM
    The iPhone 4 had just the right thickness. Tapering everything to a weak point is bad engineering.

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  • rayz
    Aug 1, 12:20 AM
    He was talking about seeing blue screens. So it doesn't matter how many people would register it as a crash....they still wouldn't see a blue screen. That was the point he was trying to make.

    Yep. I got that; I was saying that the reason you don't see it is not because they've hidden it; it's because XP is actually a lot more stable. Crashes these days are pretty rare, and are usually caused by attempts to access strange areas of memory, or driver problems. I have an XP box running a couple of web containers, and a few app servers; aside from a driver hiccup, never had a crash or secret reboot (and I would know, because I would still need to log back in when I got back from the water cooler).

    Also, just as a side took them three years to create the version you're talking about. I'm not stating this for argument—it's only here as additional info.

    ... and it took Apple just as long to create a stable version of OSX; the only real difference was that MS didn't charge for the interim versions. Again, just additional info.


    kate winslet mildred pierce premier. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • maflynn
    Sep 17, 06:45 AM
    Here's my latest acquisition to the flynn family. I got it from a member here at MR in the Marketplace.

    I needed a portable computer to supplement my desktop, for when I travel (which is infrequent). This is why I opted for a netbook, I needed the ability to connect to my companies network and access programs/computers/servers (something an iPad cannot do) and also hold my photos when I do travel.

    The used mini fit that bill, its a hackintosh, so I still get to use OSX, its cheap, small and functional.

    kate winslet mildred pierce premier. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • WeegieMac
    Apr 14, 02:32 PM
    I just updated mine and there is a noticeable difference in speed with this update. It is much faster in opening applications and text messages.

    I'm noticing a little quicker general UI navigation, but the third party apps still don't show their launch animation unless opened first, exited, and then launched again. Only once loaded into the memory can you go from app to home screen to app and see the full animation.

    Yet, oddly, Apple's stock apps are entirely unaffected.


    kate winslet mildred pierce premier. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • Mystikal
    Mar 17, 12:56 AM
    Ouch that is early. I could probably make it an hour before they open but not 5 lol. Don't know if it would even be worth it at that point. Maybe a week from now?

    International launch is a week from tomorrow =/

    kate winslet mildred pierce premier. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • nefan65
    Apr 15, 03:15 PM
    Poster wasn't stirring the pot. One person said "OMG Apple built OSX on top of Unix! They don't build ANYTHING original. Google on the other hand build Android." to which someone pointed out "Uh, no Google bought Android" and others pointed out that Android was built on top of Linux too.

    Paraphrasing there.

    OSX was built on UNIX. Just like Android is built in Linux.

    I did make an off the cuff statement about ChromeOS. But my reasoning was that OSX is a little bit more than ChromeOS, so rolling it out and making it available is a little different.


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  • robkot
    Apr 22, 04:27 PM
    It is know that apple has serval prototype iPhones. This is interesting at the least but seeing 3G at the top kinda sucks. We need a 4g faster device.

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  • iEvolution
    Apr 22, 05:45 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)


    Likely: same design as current iPhone with antenna tweaks, A5 dual-core chip, more RAM, 8MP back camera, 1.3MP front camera, 64GB capacity (max), iOS 5, incresased battery life, etc.

    Somewhat Likely: "gestures", LiquidMetal, 4G (probably not till 2012, but who knows), improved display, etc.

    Not Likely: complete redesign

    That's what I'm betting on. I know I'm probably forgetting some things, but oh well.

    I really don't see them adding the dual core chip to the iPhone or the iPod Touch, maybe an increase in processor speed but I think the more powerful processor is going to be reserved for the iPad now.


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  • acidfast7
    Oct 31, 11:30 AM

    This (


    This (

    Which one is better?
    Nothing else really.

    Why don't you pick up the real Eames Aluminum Management chair?

    I bought one for the office and it's extremely nice and comfortable. It's def a show-stopper when people enter.

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  • MarximusMG
    Apr 22, 09:27 AM
    Exactly what I've been expecting. Will be nearing the end of my contract by the time the first LTE iPhone is released.

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  • jessica.
    Jan 26, 06:46 AM
    I was waiting for it to hit 100 pages on my end before starting a new thread. :( Oh well.

    Celebrated the completion of a 4 hour residency interview at UCSF with dinner at Wayfare Tavern where my cousin works.
    Really? I took the cue from the post count and not page count. I was under the impression that graphic-heavy threads are closed after about 2000 posts.
    I already have one and just bought the very same again! Very good ext drives!
    Agreed, I love the elements drives. I have two that I've stacked and used spacers to keep them from actually touching. I'd like to get another as they're attached to my mac mini that I use as an HTPC.

    Oct 24, 07:54 AM
    Wonderful update. I hope the 160GB upgrade isn't too expensive, but 1GB standard and starting at 120GB are more than I expected or even hoped for.

    I was also still doubting if I should get a MB or MBP, but that question has been settled today.

    Apr 28, 12:59 PM
    Im actually kinda shocked android has more devices using its OS than Apple does.

    Why? Any manufacturer can grab it for free instead of paying a fee. Makes sense they would flood the market with lots of copycat Android models. Just look at the Asian market where there are hundreds of Android phones, many of whom are Android in name only (cannot use the Android App market, etc.) but useful to the knockoff phone manufacturer who can grab it free, slap it into their devices and sell their stuff as "Android" to the marketplace. Given that there are hundreds of different Android model phones, it's a wonder it isn't even more popular than it is.

    Apr 13, 08:37 PM
    No brown?????

    Apr 26, 12:33 PM
    I don't know about other countries, but I've noticed so many people in America just expect almost everything to be free these days.

    I mean, seriously? It's getting a little tiresome.

    Mar 3, 04:48 PM
    More Sheen madness. Just slightly alarming.,0,1251027.story

    Sheen pleaded guilty to misdemeanor third-degree assault after the Aspen incident, in which Mueller told authorities that he threatened her with a knife at their holiday home.

    In her new allegations, Mueller revealed it was not the first incident. In October she alleged that Sheen "knocked me to the floor, causing me to hit my head on the corner of a couch. I was knocked unconscious and required medical attention, including a CAT scan."

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