četrtek, 2. junij 2011

dogo argentino breeders in california

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  • Krevnik
    Apr 27, 04:38 PM
    Maybe the reason they didn't bring it up was because they are working on a new feature (ie new maps or turn by turn gps built into the next iOS; they did mention it was to collect data for something like that), but now that the media has blown it out of proportion, they had to come out and address it. At least, that's what I'm assuming Apple's point of view was.

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  • MaxBurn
    May 3, 04:57 PM

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  • skellener
    Apr 4, 11:23 AM
    And so how is merging with T-Mobile going to open up choice, provide more competition and benefit customers? Sounds like they are just getting an early start on price gouging here.

    Not only should the merger be rejected but AT&T should be broken into about 5 separate companies.

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  • princealfie
    Nov 30, 10:28 AM
    My point exactly - something like Napster probably had more than a little to do with this fact...

    Not really, Tower Records wasn't working because they didn't move online with their catalogue quickly enough. The commercial real estate is getting way overpriced.

    Else why is Virgin Megastore and HMV still around?


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  • Silas1066
    Dec 28, 03:58 PM
    I have been working with Windows in a networked environment since the Lan Manager days (before NT 3.51)

    Back in the 1990s, NT was a good choice for small to medium-sized businesses. It was easy to deploy, supported a lot of software, and was less expensive than Novell (generally). Apple back then was proprietary, difficult to deploy in large environments, and few apps ran on Macs.

    Things have changed ...

    If you are using GPOs to deploy legacy or proprietary applications to your users, you better get with the times. This is and EVERYTHING in the enterprise should be web-enabled (database portals, CRM software, etc.). GPOs, as I have said earlier, are generally used to lock down users and to plug the many security holes in Windows networks, or they are used to deploy old crappy apps that can't be reached through a browser.

    I am sitting in front of a Mac right now at work. I have MS Office loaded on it for convenience, and I use a number of web enabled applications: Cisco utilities (UCM Manager, ASDM) SolarWinds, Norton Security Suite, and I reach my databases through a SSL proxy and specific web servers on the back-end.

    My Mac is connected to AD throught the Directory Utility. My Mac can do native SMB file sharing if needed.

    I could use a Ubuntu box if I wanted! Where in this environment (which is a pretty big one) am I REQUIRED to use a Windows machine? Why not get rid of the GPOs, the security sweeps, the login scripts, etc. altogether? This is 1990s crap!

    Apple completely overhauled their OS when they went to OSX: this is 21st century technology. Microsoft stuck with the old 32bit architecture that included a registry and lots of legacy code. Windows 7 is a bunch of ginger-bread running on old code. Even Linux blows it away.

    The days of the old tower running Windows sitting on the office desk are going away. We are moving to cloud computing, intelligent tablets (i.e. the iPad) and integrated communications (voice, video, and data).

    Now Apple's support of enterprise customers is another issue, and it does concern me that they discontinued the Xserve. I guess we will have to see how that all plays out.

    But this idea of "can't be done! the world only runs on windows!" is nonsense.

    dogo argentino breeders in california. Dogo Argentino Puppies For
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  • Silencio
    Sep 27, 12:35 AM
    I would have no problem paying $50 for .Mac, but $99 is ridiculous.
    They need at least 5 gigs of storage and domain name registration. I get 20 gigs of storage and 100gigs of bandwidth from my hosting company for 5 bucks a month. Surely Apple could do better.
    Anyone remember that huge data center they bought last year? Hopefully at least part of it goes to .Mac use.

    Then go buy .Mac on eBay. You'll probably pay less than $50.

    Most of the cut-rate hosting companies I've dealt with are actually less reliable than .Mac has been for me over the years (uh, Dreamhost, anyone?).

    Sync services make .Mac worth it for me. That, and I've been using my .Mac email address since the first days of iTools, and the IMAP mail functionality has always worked very well between my main desktop, my laptop, and viewing from the web despite the highly dated current interface which looks like it's finally getting a modern, AJAX-y makeover itself.

    Presumably the other web interfaces into .Mac are getting an equally complete (and equally overdue) makeover, as Peace hinted at. If there's new services being added, all the better.

    Naturally, more storage would be welcomed and ought to be expected, given the competition out there. WebDAV / Finder file transfer speeds really need to be fixed, but I just access my iDisk via an FTP program if I want to transfer any big files back and forth. It's also dead simple to use iDisk to transfer files to my less than tech-savvy friends.

    And you still get a free VersionTracker Plus account for being a .Mac member, which saves you $25 right there. :)


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  • WinterMute
    Sep 25, 09:51 AM
    One thread per topic please.

    dogo argentino breeders in california. Dogo Argentino Puppies For
  • Dogo Argentino Puppies For

  • Skorpion24
    Apr 12, 08:38 AM

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1003206/Screenshot%20%E2%80%A2%20Preview/DayPreview.png (http://Skorpion24.deviantart.com/art/A-Day-In-The-Sky-204591299)


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  • swindmill
    Mar 25, 05:38 PM
    Haven't seen this mentioned although maybe I missed it -

    Bluephone Elite - it's beta; let's you control your bluetooth phone from your mac. Many useful features.

    Bluephone Elite (http://www.reelintelligence.com/BluePhoneElite/)

    dogo argentino breeders in california. Dogo Argentino Puppies
  • Dogo Argentino Puppies

  • R94N
    Aug 3, 08:31 AM
    I just changed it. I like to take screensavers from netcarshow.com, although if I find a few nice ones on here I'll probably change it again :) I think it's like the US Qashquai - not terribly exciting but there you go.


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  • Dogo Argentino Breeders In

  • CaptMurdock
    Apr 3, 04:16 PM
    What icon/theme is that?

    Most of them are from the Flurry (http://iconfactory.com/freeware/preview/flrs) set, although I made a few myself in the same style.

    dogo argentino breeders in california. Dog Breed: Dogo Argentino
  • Dog Breed: Dogo Argentino

  • chrismacguy
    Apr 20, 07:38 AM
    ok, still waiting on graphics card. Wiring is neater now.

    But I'm still having an issue with running video feeds from the internet. The MDD is ethernet wired rather than airport. Its really choppy with maybe 2 or 3 frames per second but perfect sound.

    Could this be the video card? I've got 2Gb of ram now so that sorts that end of things. Will the ATi 9700 128mb DDR solve the issue?

    Sounds to me like the graphics. I get the same symptoms on my MDD with 32/64MB VRAM and at 128 they went away.


    dogo argentino breeders in california. Dogo Argentino Puppies For Sale. Check out our new puppies! Check out our new puppies! Huntn. Mar 15, 08:20 PM. Once again my mind has been boggled on the
  • Dogo Argentino Puppies For Sale. Check out our new puppies! Check out our new puppies! Huntn. Mar 15, 08:20 PM. Once again my mind has been boggled on the

  • ComputersaysNo
    Apr 8, 12:11 PM
    check out this resurection of the commodore 64 http://www.commodoreusa.net/CUSA_C64.aspx

    dogo argentino breeders in california. for this reeder.
  • for this reeder.

  • pishowda
    Apr 20, 07:38 PM
    most of the people in the other threads similar to this said it runs great


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  • Dogo Argentino Puppies For Sale. stock photo : Argentinian Dog

  • wnameth
    Dec 15, 04:24 PM
    I don't know what catagorey this falls in but im looking for the bleep noise, so i can edit a video, the sound is the one used on shows like jerey springer. i cant find a site or program that has this, so could you pleae send it to my email or post it..


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  • Pirate Dogo Argentino.jpg

  • bizzle
    Apr 11, 05:47 PM
    meet rusty...
    in case your wondering, yes, the wheels are gold plated. baller

    That car no longer exists (in that form) as of Friday, the 8th. The guy's garage burned down with the car in it.



    dogo argentino breeders in california. Dogo Argentino Puppies For Sale. Dogo Argentino Puppies for; Dogo Argentino Puppies for. jiggie2g. Jul 13, 08:07 AM. Because Conroes are faster,
  • Dogo Argentino Puppies For Sale. Dogo Argentino Puppies for; Dogo Argentino Puppies for. jiggie2g. Jul 13, 08:07 AM. Because Conroes are faster,

  • Gavroche62
    Jan 11, 08:21 AM
    Jesus I wish the US was like that (wrt cell phone service). The hoops you have to jump through to get even pre-paid service in the US are truly ridiculous. If there is a major disappointment for me about this keynote, it's that it looks like the iphone will be carrier locked at least until '08, but we'll see. I was hoping Apple would sell the phones unlocked, and start the migration in the US away from carrier subsidies.

    Yes the Carrier issue IS quite possibly the hair in the ointment. Apple's proven they can build the best devices hands down. These exclusive carrier deals stand a much better chance at killing this than competition from any other device manufacturer. Cingular, Verizon, Sprint etc...they're all the same with equally poor service. The FCC loves to support little monopolies and we the users are forced into a market with poor selection of both devices and carriers. Let's hope this prompts another revolution in the carrier landscape.
    What was the quote at the beginning of the conference: if you want to build the best software build your own hardware? Well in this case Apple may have to build (buy?) their own network with no contracts and flexible pay as you go deals to make this work. Otherwise the industry may just sink this entire project - like the entertainment industry tried to do with movies and music on the iPod.

    dogo argentino breeders in california. Dogo Argentino Puppies For Sale. This Dogo Argentino is zoned; This Dogo Argentino is zoned. Gelfin. Mar 24, 09:56 PM
  • Dogo Argentino Puppies For Sale. This Dogo Argentino is zoned; This Dogo Argentino is zoned. Gelfin. Mar 24, 09:56 PM

  • fivepoint
    Mar 3, 02:01 PM
    But where did you come up with 95%? This chart (http://www.truthandpolitics.org/top-rates.php) seems to disagree with you.

    You indicated that the rich weren't paying their 'fair share.' I responded by pointing out that the top 50% of wage earners pay 95% of the tax burden. That is completely separate (although obviously relative and related) from the tax 'rate' which they pay.




    Btw, post WWII, the top tax rates in this country used to be way up there, like 90%. That was fair imo because after you achieve so much income, how much more do you really need? What does it take to live comfortably- $1M per year, $5M? Shoot I'd be happy with $500k per year.

    Let me get this straight... your definition of 'fair' is that people who make the right decisions in life, who invest in the right ideas, who don't waste their money on immediate pursuits so they can benefit in the long-term, who work hard and earn success, and yes... have a little luck should have their money confiscated by the state? By mob rule? Since you've determined that 'they don't need it', that translates to them not 'deserving' it and you being able to steal it from them via taxation?

    Just trying to clarify... because that's a pretty striking morality scale. However, it's also very similar to something Michael Moore said recently (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/03/02/moore_on_wealthy_peoples_money_thats_not_theirs_thats_a_national_resource_its_ours.html):

    "They're sitting on the money, they're using it for their own -- they're putting it someplace else with no interest in helping you with your life, with that money. We've allowed them to take that. That's not theirs, that's a national resource, that's ours. We all have this -- we all benefit from this or we all suffer as a result of not having it," Michael Moore told Laura Flanders of GRITtv.

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  • AP_piano295
    May 4, 03:11 PM
    But what if torturing a person who is involved in the plans of a terrorist attack could prevent thousands of deaths?

    Torturing would never be a good action, but it is like killing someone to defend yourself, killing is bad, but the result of killing saved your life.

    In the case of torture, it is the government defending its people (country). If it can be avoided better, but I would rather authorize torture instead of letting attacks happen.

    EDIT: As with everything, every single case needs to be analyzed separately.

    The type of country which is willing to torture people will always inspire more violence against them. You might save 100 lives today and lose 10,000 lives the next year because of that behavior.

    The ends don't justify the means torture is wrong period.

    Would you support forcible medical testing on people if that forcible testing might save hundreds of thousands of lives in the future?

    Apr 17, 10:39 AM
    Do you have originals for either of those please? :)

    http://i53.tinypic.com/29fqyco.jpg is the top one.

    The one on my MBA I can't seem to find in my history sorry, however originally all I did was Google "mac wallpapers" and I found it within a few minutes

    Jan 1, 04:05 PM

    46" plasma tv and stand were my gift to myself this year.

    From my brother:
    -Ye Olde Monty Python Cow Catapult
    -Golden Witchblade action figure
    -Munchkin Santa's Revenge card game expansion
    -Captain Cook "Surrender Your Buns" BBQ apron
    -(Not pictured) $25 Wal-Mart gift card

    From my parents:
    -New Balance shoes
    -PowerSox sweatbands
    -Razor blades
    -(Not pictured) Bag of beef jerky
    -(Not pictured) Bag of pepperoni sticks
    -(Not pictured) Wool socks
    -(Not pictured) $5 cash

    Nov 3, 06:33 PM
    Loaded fine for me. maybe they fixed the site. Try emptying your browser cache.
    Good luck,

    Sep 2, 01:02 AM

    Here's a link to the original, (http://gizmodo.com/5618454/wi+fihawks-at-the-diner?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+gizmodo%2Ffull+%28Gizmodo%29) sort of. I got lucky with Google -- I just can't find the Twitter that pointed me to the original picture.

    Mar 17, 03:29 PM
    If I dress like a nerd is it ok for people to give me wedgies, tape "kick me" signs on my back and give me swirlies in the bathroom? Was I asking for it?

    Well, that's what you get for wearing a Star Trek uniform.

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