četrtek, 2. junij 2011

snowboarding wallpaper

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  • TantalizedMind
    Apr 8, 06:18 PM
    I have really been thinking of finally getting an iPhone.. but after hearing all these battery issues I am starting to think otherwise. IDK.. we'll see. At least its not as bad as the Thunderbolts 3-4hr battery!! LOL!! Thats just pathetic.

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  • Burton Snowboarding Wallpaper

  • OrangeSVTguy
    Feb 8, 06:47 AM
    glad you are back up!

    might as well put that 920 to use!

    good luck with the home buy! i know how that can be! (i just bought one exactly 1 month ago!)

    yeah i can't be spending too much either ;)

    Thanks. Put my offer in on one so hopefully it gets accepted.

    I'm sitting on 48-9k PPD right now. 950 @ 4ghz and 1750mhz on the shaders of the 460. Not too shabby.

    Updated the Nvidia drivers to 266 and now the GTX 460s are both folding at 15K + each. That's an increase of 3-4k PPD each.

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  • syklee26
    Sep 27, 12:26 PM
    I am SpyMac Club member until late and I must say most features are close to useless...forums are a mess, I don't have time for blogging/webdesigning, one takes a long while to upload something to the online disk and syncing is sketchy...

    This means that .Mac is still pretty far off for me as well...after all, I can barely cope with answering my own emails...:(

    u certainly had time to post a message on this board though

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  • burton snowboard wallpaper.

  • SwiftLives
    Mar 31, 12:00 PM
    When you release InDesign and/or Illustrator for the iPad, we'll talk.

    Within 5 years, more and more work is going to be stored on the cloud. This could allow you access to linked fonts and images via a wireless connection. And being able to move images around a page with your finger would involve a learning curve, but it wouldn't be impossible - especially with some of the CS5 smart guides. Add in support for some keyboard shortcuts via a wireless keyboard, and you might have a viable product.

    Sigh. A designer can dream, right?


    snowboarding wallpaper. Wallpaper Albums: SNOWBOARDER
  • Wallpaper Albums: SNOWBOARDER

  • xmatthamptonx
    Apr 5, 08:53 PM
    I'm currently recording with a MXL 991 condenser through my M-audio Fast Track Pro.
    It seems to have a pretty weak built-in preamp as I have to turn the gain up around 90% to get a decent sound from it which is, of course, quite fuzzy.
    I've also heard that the MXL 990 series are fairly low-output mics.

    Any solutions?
    Small, decent, affordable preamps?

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  • Snowboarding wallpaper -

  • rhett7660
    Mar 31, 06:06 PM
    Does anyone else think this is a desperate attempt by Adobe to stay in the tablet game?

    They're making software for a device produced by a company that wants nothing to do with them.

    Does the software use Adobe's AIR?

    Since when did Apple say they wanted nothing to do with Adobe. They didn't want support one piece of software on a mobile devices. I hardly think that qualifies as wanting nothing to do with them.

    I think this is great and I am glad Adobe is doing more for the iPad and iPhone.


    snowboarding wallpaper. Snowboard Wallpaper – Fredi
  • Snowboard Wallpaper – Fredi

  • CFreymarc
    Nov 29, 08:18 PM
    I'm sure TJMax is rethinking how brilliant their idea is. But is it really illegal? What can Apple do?

    Not much. If T.J. Maxx or other outfits or private individuals buy any product at retail price, they own it. Under Federal Trade Law, there are very little resale restrictions. Also, you can sell it for any price your want, that is as a profit or a loss. T. J. Maxx did a classic loss lead to get traffic into their stores from the iPad "sale." I say it is legal IMO.

    snowboarding wallpaper. Snowboarding Wallpaper 13.
  • Snowboarding Wallpaper 13.

  • skunk
    May 4, 04:55 PM
    Many forum members here in the past have claimed that these methods also fall under the classification of torture, so what if information obtained using these methods led to the death of O.B.L.?It would simply indicate a failure of intelligence, and would invalidate any trial evidence. His death is meaningless anyway.
    As for the poster who asked what has been gained by his death, its called retribution.Who wants retribution? Your country has just destroyed two other nations and caused the deaths of in the region of a million people, including 4,000 US soldiers, and more or less bankrupted itself, all for what, 3,000 dead, in a search for one man? Is that retribution, or is it lunacy? How many more people now want retribution on the USA?


    snowboarding wallpaper. burton snowboard wallpaper.
  • burton snowboard wallpaper.

  • semaja2
    Dec 25, 07:58 PM
    Hey guys my new ibook and its batery in coconut battery is reporting werid things like ive does the calbiration and in cocunut it says orginal : 4400mah but the current is 4573mah

    snowboarding wallpaper. -snowboarding-wallpaper
  • -snowboarding-wallpaper

  • alhedges
    Apr 7, 10:50 AM
    I wonder how many of these posts are trolls? I haven't had any issues whatsoever with 4.3.1. I also didn't have any problems with 4.3; battery life has been absolutely stellar and call performance actually improved in 4.3.1.

    The timing of all these "bitching" posts just seems suspicious.

    Try simple logic.

    Apple is releasing an update to fix bugs (after having just released an earlier update to fix bugs). And so people post about their bugs. There's nothing "suspicious" about this at all.

    If you are "suspicious" of these posts because you haven't had any issues with 4.3.1, then why do you think that apple is releasing a bug fix? Because there are no bugs?

    No, Apple is releasing a bugfix to fix bugs. Do you think that Apple is lying about the bugs? Or is Apple just "bitching?"


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  • Snowboarding Wallpapers Free

  • dak
    Apr 4, 05:25 PM
    In the world of print, there are two ways to receive newspapers and magazines: single copies on the newsstand, or via subscription delivery. Subscription delivery is traditionally a lot cheaper than via the newsstand. The main reason for that is because the publisher knows demographic information about you, and they use that information to attract advertisers to the publication. They don't get that value from the anonymous newsstand purchaser, so prices are accordingly higher. Each issue of the publication is subsidized by the advertisers. (It costs a fortune to put together a world-class publication, paying writers and editors and designers and running the company.)

    These publishers want to continue to encourage people to subscribe to their electronic version by offering a lower price... they can only afford to do this by continuing to collect demographic user information that they can use to attract advertisers who will subsidize the cost of the publication. They will probably offer single issues online (or maybe even subscriptions online) at higher prices than the normal subscription to people who don't share their information. Your information is worth money, they know that and their advertisers know that, and you should know that too. If you withhold your information, you are holding back money, and thus asking for something for less. (Will you get it? How nicely are you asking?)

    All this talk about selling email addresses to third parties is speculation and red herrings. This is about subsidizing subscriptions and paying for content. It's the business of the subscription publishing industry, and Apple wants to change it. Change isn't inherently good or bad, but in this case change would mean either reduced content/quality or higher prices.


    snowboarding wallpaper. Snowboarding Wallpaper
  • Snowboarding Wallpaper

  • a.jfred
    Feb 9, 12:34 PM
    And since we're not touching the data plan, those of us with the grandfathered unlimited data plan will still get to keep the unlimited data plan, n'est pas?


    snowboarding wallpaper. Snowboard Wallpaper – Marc
  • Snowboard Wallpaper – Marc

  • It's a tribute
    Sep 1, 02:45 PM
    Awsome interface you don't want so share? Orginal wallpaper, dock and icon links, please?

    Yes the icons, dock are from DA in the link at the bottom of page1, the indicators are called willow from DA and check your inbox. <<or send your mail and I will drop the WP as to my knowledge the author has not yet released it.

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  • Free Snowboard Wallpapers

  • MacBlackBook22
    Dec 26, 07:05 PM
    She got me....

    and my Twelve south leather sticker thingy to match the cover I have

    I have that cover on my macbook pro and just love it. No scratches from wearing a watch and it feels great.


    snowboarding wallpaper. Our snowboard desktop
  • Our snowboard desktop

  • spicyapple
    Nov 29, 12:19 PM
    People who pirate movies wouldn't have bought the movie in the first place. Adding usage restrictions only hurts the customers who bought the movie. If the studios are worried people will transfer movies to their friend's iPods, then they probably have their heads in the sand regarding the swapping of DVDs.

    Still, the concept of limiting consumers' rights is the issue at hand.

    snowboarding wallpaper. The snowboarding high
  • The snowboarding high

  • gkarris
    Mar 25, 10:44 AM
    This may only happen if they get rid of the consumer-quality GPS receiver in it. Would raise the price of the handset, though.

    It's more than likely going to be the use of their own software (iMaps?) rather than use Google which has their own Mobile OS now.


    snowboarding wallpaper. Snowboarding Wallpaper
  • Snowboarding Wallpaper

  • nbs2
    Nov 24, 10:40 AM
    This looks to be the same kind of app as Growl (http://growl.info/) which someone did mention in this thread.

    oops. :o i like adium, i'd go check it out, but i can't get the page to load... :confused:

    snowboarding wallpaper. Snowboarding Wallpapers
  • Snowboarding Wallpapers

  • iPhone1
    Feb 9, 06:25 PM

    snowboarding wallpaper. Snowboarding Wallpapers
  • Snowboarding Wallpapers

  • mikeschmeee
    May 5, 10:49 PM
    The old guys in the second video are a little mistaken. The "432" badge on the side of the Fairlady has nothing to do with cubic inches. In fact, they were only 2.0L engines (122ci). The "Fairlady Z 432" was simply a special, limited version of the normal Fairlady. The 432 number stood for the "4 valve, 3 carb, 2 cam" specs of the 6-cylinder engine. This is similar to what Oldsmobile did with the 60's 442, which stood for "4-barrel carb, 4-speed trans, dual exhaust". The Z in the video has a more modern RB25 Skyline engine in it, whereas the original Z 432 came with the then-current Skyline S20 2.0L, 6-cylinder engine.

    lol I know eh! I didn't want to post that video but I just like how clean that Fairlady looks. I just want that video too. I want to see the Z they were taking about near the end with some crazy horses.

    What kind of BMW do you recommend for a young bachelor business guy in a popular downtown location? I was thinking about the 3 series.


    Oct 9, 09:53 PM
    I have no prob paying for 2.0. It's less than a latte for goodness sake and is probably one of my/your most used apps. It is a giant step up from 1.0. You don't need push. Just turn on notifications. Same thing! Pull down refresh & local tweets map is pretty awesome! Also, I think sync functions will be available when tweetie for mac 2.0 is released.

    Only gripe is themes. I want chat bubbles back!

    Jan 9, 03:30 PM
    I think what most people are missing is that we've seen the future of the iPod with the iPhone. Look for a revamp of the iPod by the end of the year or early next. Same size but with the features of the iPhone but without the iPhone stuff. The new iPod interface is slick and Apple's not going to limit it to just the iPhone. The rest of us who are locked into contracts with Verizon and Sprint, or don't want an all-in-one deal still want the cool features of the new iPhone. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a revamp of the enitre line. iPhone, iPDA(no phone but PDA like features), iPod, iTablet, etc. all based on this new technology.

    It's too cool to think it will stay only on the iPhone. That's what I think anyway.

    Oct 9, 09:21 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2009/10/09/tweetie-2-arrives-in-the-app-store/)

    http://images.macrumors.com/article/2009/10/09/222045-tweetie_2_1.jpg http://images.macrumors.com/article/2009/10/09/222045-tweetie_2_2.jpg

    Popular Twitter iPhone application Tweetie (http://www.atebits.com/tweetie-iphone/) received a major upgrade today with the release of Tweetie 2 [App Store (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=333903271&mt=8), $2.99], completely rebuilt from the ground up to bring significant speed improvements and several new features. The extensive list of features in the application's App Store description includes:- Seamlessly handle multiple Twitter accounts
    - Explore all of Twitter, from your own timeline and mentions, to the favorite tweets of your followers and friends
    - Full persistence: more than just caching tweets, Tweetie 2 restores your entire UI if you quit or get a phone call
    - Fantastic new offline mode. Read, tweet, favorite, follow, save to Instapaper and more even when you don't have a connection. Your actions will be synced as soon as you go back online
    - Full landscape support (configurable of course)
    - Live-filter your tweet stream
    - Post photos and videos, even configure your own custom image host
    - Vastly improved compose screen with recent hashtags, @people picker, URL shortening and more
    - Compose screen multiple-attachments manager
    - Drafts manager ensures you never lose a tweet (and you can even send drafts to Birdhouse)
    - Link Twitter contacts to Address Book contacts
    - Follow, unfollow, block and unblock from multiple accounts simultaneously
    - Saved searches sync with Twitter.com and the upcoming Tweetie 2 for Mac
    - Autocomplete recent searches and Go-to-user
    - Threaded Direct Messages and improved conversation navigation
    - TextExpander integration
    - Rich integration with Follow Cost, Tweet Blocker, Favstar.fm and more
    - Edit your own Twitter profile
    - Specify custom API roots on a per-account basis
    - Nearby map view
    - Translate tweets
    - Preview short URLs
    - Safari bookmarklet support for easily sharing links
    - In-app rich text email composition
    - Tons of little things, including improved avatar caching, auto-refresh, refresh-all, seamless Twitlonger support, hashtag definitions and more
    - This is just the beginning. Tweetie 2 is already built to take advantage of great new features coming from Twitter, so expect updates turning them on soon!Users of the original Tweetie application should note that the new version is a separate app and will require users to again shell out $3, but indications seem to be that the new version is already worth the fresh cash outlay, with more features to come in the future.

    Article Link: Tweetie 2 Arrives in the App Store (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2009/10/09/tweetie-2-arrives-in-the-app-store/)

    Al Coholic
    Apr 1, 03:19 PM
    Reading through this thread, I was wondering how many people defending the iPad are actually aware of its inherent shortcomings for professional users , and have actually used programs like Photoshop .

    The iPad was never meant to be used by professionals, it is not compatible with pro apps and devices on a basic level, like colour spaces, connectivity, file import/export, tethering, to name a few .

    As it's been pointed out before, finger gestures are a crutch, not an enhancement, just like they were since the introduction of trackpads .

    SJ called the iPad a post-PC computer - nothing could be further from the truth.
    It might help to develop better input devices in the future, but right now Apple doesn't seem to be part of it, aiming their products at a retro oriented crowd which is merely asking for simplification, instead of progress.

    ^This. Well stated.

    I live in Lightroom and Photoshop. (I literally earn my living with them).

    i do believe the "pros" are missing the point here though. photoshop can be very useful to a lot of people right now.

    We don't care about how useful the iPad is to "other" people. Good for them. The iPad is a consumer device designed for the general consuming public and always will be. It will never replace the tools "imaging specialists" need.

    The argument seems to be that I need to adopt the iPad and adapt to its shortcomings for my field while waiting for current technology to be included in subsequent versions. And as a pro, if I don't then I'll be left in the dust.


    The problem is a lot of people want the iPad to be more than it is. I fully understand it's one of those devices that leaves you begging for more but at the end of the day� it's just a tablet with all the inherent shortcomings associated with it's weak features and intended market.

    It's really that simple.

    you don't always have access or want to carry the 15 pound camera bag, the 5 pound laptop and the wacom tablet.

    Then these people aren't pros. This is what we do. I would sooner shed some weight elsewhere than use a silly-assed iPad instead a laptop with 1 TB of disk storage, SD slot, the CPU to handle multiple loads in PhotoShop, burn the occasional proofs to DVD for a client, etc... And not to mention, the ability to tether with my cameras to the laptop should I need to.

    Oct 27, 07:37 AM
    I don't know if I'd run my own library either... but the site is quite attractive, and the concept is novel.

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