četrtek, 2. junij 2011

lose game

lose game. When you lose The Game,
  • When you lose The Game,

  • sandkicks
    Apr 26, 01:35 AM
    there is a small blue streak that showed up on my ipad 1 screen. The warranty is up on friday. Wondering if I can fix it myself.

    lose game. Sox Lose Game 1 of ALDS
  • Sox Lose Game 1 of ALDS

  • kainjow
    Dec 17, 04:26 PM
    Yep me too, see http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=164522

    lose game. What a game!
  • What a game!

  • iStudentUK
    Mar 27, 03:50 PM
    Anyone think he will win the case? (even if the buyer makes one)

    the buyer has 0 feedback.

    If I bought a $450 dollar photo I'd definitely sue! But I'd read the description in full of course!

    Don't know about much US law, but I can think of a few challenges to this under UK law off the top of my head. Possibly fraud as well, but only thought about it for a minute or two. If this was ebay.co.uk I'm pretty sure the buyer could get his money back.

    lose game. But what happens when you lose
  • But what happens when you lose

  • vong
    Dec 4, 09:56 AM


    lose game. lose game-7 to the
  • lose game-7 to the

  • CaoCao
    Apr 27, 09:32 AM
    So cliche.

    I guarantee those are the straight women, who actually have to spend time with men. ;)

    Us lesbians don't have to deal with that crap. The man-hating lesbian was created by egotistical straight men who couldn't believe that a woman would choose another woman over a man.
    I've actually met that kind of lesbian, at first I thought I was being trolled. The sane lesbians probably don't get seen because they are too busy being normal.

    Something I like, times two.

    Next question please.

    Yes sir, you in the balcony, with your pants around your ankles.

    Bruised egos? How quaint.
    They aren't interested in you

    lose game. Bruins lose Game 7 and series
  • Bruins lose Game 7 and series

  • sporadicMotion
    Dec 30, 03:29 PM
    Lets see what goes in your favorite coffee cup!



    lose game. Lose Game Seven Anyway
  • Lose Game Seven Anyway

  • evil_santa
    Aug 20, 06:16 PM
    This is called bits of bass.

    This is my favorite fretless bass made by Wal (http://walbasses.homestead.com/index.html) in 1983, I have had it since 1988.

    lose game. Miami Heat Lose game again
  • Miami Heat Lose game again

  • Hisdem
    Apr 11, 11:35 AM
    Given his location, I'm guessing (hoping) that is $118k Brazilian.

    I wish! 185k Brazilian. 118k USD.

    I was just kidding though. If I ever had 120k to spend on a car, it wouldn't be a Chevrolet, I guarantee that. :D


    lose game. The you laugh you lose game!
  • The you laugh you lose game!

  • waw74
    May 6, 12:26 PM
    no, iOS sends only to one thing at a time, but you can do it from iTunes.
    You can then use the remote app on the iTouch to control iTunes. (and control the zone volume levels.

    lose game. lose game.
  • lose game.

  • Daveway
    Feb 13, 12:55 AM
    Any post that even questions or insults Keira's beauty will get you summarily banned.

    Well, I may be the first. I've been devising a plan to counter strike edesigns Keira renegade. The only thing holding me back is a decision of whom I will use to attack. Call it Battle of the Hottest Avatars.


    lose game. Lose They Played The Game
  • Lose They Played The Game

  • macfrik
    Apr 25, 12:02 AM
    by seeing the results of the poll, we can see that majority of voters won't buy the new iPhone 4 in white. It is based on around 3200 votes.

    I am not an expert analyst or anything like that, but let me say this now, when the white iPhone 4 launches on April 27th, it is going to be chaos and out of stock because there are TONS of demands of this phone I dont know why. Same thing goes with the iPad 1 and the white iPad 2, people are saying that iPad 1 was just a bigger iPod touch, and the white iPad 2 was ugly and terrible-looking. But see now, TONS of people decided to choose white iPad 2 instead of the black one.

    Typical Apple fan. They vote no, and when they finally see in person, they can't resist to buy one even if they have a black iPhone 4.

    For me personally, I have the original iPhone 4 in black that I bought back in June last year and I am looking to upgrade to the white iPhone 4 and sell the black one.

    Just an opinion though

    lose game. Lose In Classic Night Game
  • Lose In Classic Night Game

  • AlmostJosh
    Dec 31, 04:19 PM
    A tarantula and a Tripp jacket :D


    lose game. lose game 4 to Boston.JPG
  • lose game 4 to Boston.JPG

  • fowler.
    Feb 19, 04:01 PM

    lose game. Lose cheerfully, generously
  • Lose cheerfully, generously

  • freeSia
    Apr 4, 03:56 AM
    hmm interesting..
    im trying it right now!
    still figuring what to do.. :(


    lose game. Lakers lose Game 1
  • Lakers lose Game 1

  • CaoCao
    Apr 16, 01:33 AM
    I think you either read the statistical trend wrong or perhaps read a twisted version of it from some "Christian blog" of some sort.

    What's really happening is that the birth rate is "diminishing"...not "reversing". The trend throughout ALL 1st world and emerging economies is that the birth rate per person reduces. There are several factors for this including the fact that modernized civilizations do not need to have that many babies in hopes that a few will survive disease, famine, hardship, etc. And the few babies that do get born are brought up to be "more powerful humans" so to speak...in a sense that they are nurtured more and given more attention and education, etc. What happens is that the average "modernized person" can supply like multiple X more economic productivity than your average 3rd worlder. In addition, many more of those 3rd worlders will die before they have "fulfilled their usefulness" to society ... or perhaps even reproduce.

    Think of it this way. If a person with a degree in industrial engineering can make a machine that spits out 10,000 donuts per day...how many "villagers" will it take to make an equivalent amount of food?
    Red is screwed, yellow is sucky, green is above replacement... You don't want birth rate to drop below 2.1, Turkey the only country above replacement is 2.14...
    http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/9463/europepopulation.png (http://img826.imageshack.us/i/europepopulation.png/)

    Even if I assume this unsourced soundbite is true, there is a missing phrase: "without intervention."

    If it really came down to it, the EU (or any other country/countries with a declining birth rate) could enact any number of policies or incentives to bolster the population, including making it easier for gay couples to adopt. So what?

    The intervention should not be forbidding or discriminating against a group because of their sexual behavior. If it's all about the birthin' then they better start taking a hard look at those hetero scofflaws who don't want to have kids, too. *Gasp*

    The only meaningful way to save the red countries from depopulation is to eliminate access to birth control and abortions. Places have tried to boost birth rates, it hasn't succeeded.

    lose game. lose/lose: Is it a Game?
  • lose/lose: Is it a Game?

  • mcrain
    Mar 2, 01:57 PM
    Higher taxes result in more revenue and increases in economic activity and job creation.

    I say we raise taxes, make them more progressive and at the same time, look at government spending and make reasonable and smart decisions about what and where to cut. Step one is to make sure everyone at that table can pass the one question test. "Where was the President born." Anyone who fails that test should be fired, but at a minimum, barred from participation in any meaningful discussions.

    (edit) Not to get into blame, but I find it amusing that it's only now that we have a Democrat in office that Republicans like Fivepoint want to make tough choices, and the solutions they come up with are just more of the same policies from the last administration. (Cut taxes, cut government, cut social programs).


    lose game. lose game!
  • lose game!

  • SandboxGeneral
    Nov 11, 09:06 AM
    Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    There was someone griping on MR the other day that Steve never seems to reply from anything but his iPhone. Well here it is, he replied from his iPad!

    So there, Steve does use other products!

    lose game. Game is to lose The Game.
  • Game is to lose The Game.

  • thatisme
    Mar 31, 10:25 AM
    It's cool, but totally pointless other than being used as a tech demo.

    I fully expect that the control will not be fine enough on the layers / brushes, etc to be acceptable for commercial or even personal use. It's hard enough to select and erase layer parts when using a WACOM tablet on a PC or Mac... Now we do the same thing with fingerpaint precision....

    lose game. Rivermen Lose Game One
  • Rivermen Lose Game One

  • furi0usbee
    Apr 4, 10:12 AM
    I'm considering going back to pay as you go. Really. My phone is used least for talking. And although I like to have my apps and internet, it's not worth the $75/month I'm paying for some youtube videos or surfing the web while waiting in the car. Google Voice + buying minutes = WINNING for me. I'll simply sell my iPhone and buy an iPod touch. I'm really hating AT&T right now. I may do something rash today.

    Mar 26, 08:24 PM
    I know that's not supposed to be funny, but man...that's funny.

    Feb 21, 08:33 AM
    Anybody know where I can find some logic studio/mainstage tutorials?

    Matthew M.
    Aug 15, 07:59 AM
    Molly Sims from an SI Swimsuit Issue a few years ago:

    Apr 10, 10:17 AM
    Another 600 megabyte "patch"! Thanks Apple!

    Do you really think the patch is 600MB. You really don't have a clue.

    May 1, 08:55 AM

    Of all the people to worry about the "me" factor. :p

    Not to mention location. Wasn't it the 'UK' that had a guy write plays, where one had this line in it...

    "What's in a name? That which we call a rose
    By any other name would smell as sweet."
    Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2) (http://www.enotes.com/shakespeare-quotes/what-s-name-that-which-we-call-rose) :rolleyes:

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